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Metatheory: Game Theory and Critical Juncture Theory
Munck, Gerardo L., “Game Theory and Comparative Politics. New Perspectives and Old Concerns,” World Politics Vol. 53, Nº 2 (January 2001): 173-204. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “The Theoretical Foundations of Critical Juncture Research: Critique and Reconstruction,” pp. 109-37, in David Collier and Gerardo L. Munck (eds.), Critical Junctures and Historical Legacies: Insights and Methods for Comparative Social Science (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022). PDF
Methods: Conceptualization and Measurement
Munck, Gerardo L. and Jay Verkuilen, “Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: Evaluating Alternative Indices,” Comparative Political Studies Vol. 35, Nº 1 (February 2002): 5-34. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., Jørgen Møller, and Svend-Erik Skaaning, “Conceptualization and Measurement: Basic Distinctions and Guidelines,” pp. 331-52, in Luigi Curini and Robert Franzese (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations, Vol. 1 (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2020). PDF
Hawken, Angela and Gerardo L. Munck, “Cross-national Indices with Gender-differentiated Data: What do They Measure? How Valid are They?” Social Indicators Research Vol. 111, Nº 3 (2013): 801-38. PDF
Hawken, Angela and Gerardo L. Munck, “Does the Evaluator Make a Difference? Measurement Validity in Corruption Research,” Political Concepts Working Paper Series # 48 (International Political Science Association [IPSA], Committee on Concepts and Methods, 2011). PDF
Hawken, Angela and Gerardo L. Munck, “Measuring Corruption. A Critical Assessment and a Proposal,” pp. 71-106, in Anuradha K. Rajivan and Ramesh Gampat (eds.), Perspectives on Corruption and Human Development Vol. 1 (New Delhi: Macmillan India for UNDP, 2009). PDF
Methods: Qualitative Research
Munck, Gerardo L., “Canons of Research Design in Qualitative Analysis,” Studies in Comparative International Development Vol. 33, Nº 3 (1998): 18-45. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “Tools for Qualitative Research,” pp. 105-21, in Henry E. Brady and David Collier (eds.), Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards (Boulder, Col. and Berkeley, Cal.: Rowman & Littlefield and Berkeley Public Policy Press, 2004). PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “Assessing Set-Theoretic Comparative Methods: A Tool for Qualitative Comparativists?” Comparative Political Studies Vol. 49, Nº 6 (2016): 775-80. PDF
Comparative Politics: History and State of the Field
Munck, Gerardo L., “The Past and Present of Comparative Politics,” pp. 32-59, in Gerardo L. Munck and Richard Snyder, Passion, Craft, and Method in Comparative Politics (Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007). PDF
Munck, Gerardo L. and Richard Snyder, “Debating the Direction of Comparative Politics: An Analysis of Leading Journals,” Comparative Political Studies Vol. 40, Nº 1 (January 2007): 5-31. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L. and Richard Snyder, “Who Publishes in Comparative Politics? Studying the World from the United States,” PS: Political Science and Politics Vol. 40, Nº 2 (April 2007): 339-46. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L. and Richard Snyder, “Comparative Politics at a Crossroad: Problems, Opportunities and Prospects from the North and South.” Política y Gobierno (Mexico) Vol. 26, Nº 1 (2019): 139-58. PDF
Comparative Politics: Democracy
Munck, Gerardo L. and Carol Leff, “Modes of Transition and Democratization. South America and Eastern Europe in Comparative Perspective,” Comparative Politics Vol. 29, Nº 3 (April 1997): 343-62. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “Disaggregating Political Regime: Conceptual Issues in the Study of Democratization,” Working Paper Nº 228 (Notre Dame, In.: The Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, 1996). PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “The Regime Question: Theory Building in Democracy Studies,” World Politics Vol. 54, Nº 1 (October 2001): 119-44. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “Democracy Studies: Agendas, Findings, Challenges,” pp. 45-68, in Dirk Berg-Schlosser (ed.), Democratization. The State of the Art 2nd. revised and updated edition (Opladen, Germany and Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2007). PDF
Mazzuca, Sebastián L. and Gerardo L. Munck, “State or Democracy First? Alternative Perspectives on the State-Democracy Nexus,” Democratization Vol. 21, Nº 7 (2014): 1221-43. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L. “What is Democracy? A Reconceptualization of the Quality of Democracy,” Democratization Vol. 23, Nº 1 (2016): 1-26. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “Modernization Theory as a Case of Failed Knowledge Production.” The Annals of Comparative Democratization Vol. 16, Nº 3 (2018): 37-41. PDF
Comparative Politics: Latin America
Munck, Gerardo L., “La transición a la política de masas en América Latina,” Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Polîtica y Humanidades (Seville, Spain) Vol. 3, Nº 7 (2002): 95-132. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “The Origins and Durability of Democracy,” pp. 3-20, in Peter Kingstone and Deborah J. Yashar (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Latin American Politics (New York: Routledge Press, 2012). PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “Democratic Politics in Latin America: New Debates and Research Frontiers,” Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 7 (Palo Alto, Cal.: Annual Reviews, 2004): 437-62. PDF
Munck, Gerardo L., “Building Democracy … Which Democracy? Ideology and Models of Democracy in Post-Transition Latin America,” Government and Opposition Vol. 50, Nº 3 (2015): 364-93. PDF
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